A Guide for Publicans, Restaurants, Bars & Cafes, Hotels & Attractions
What is Press2Pub?
It’s a new CAMRA initiative to see more Herefordshire-made real ciders and perries stocked in the county’s pubs and other venues. There are over 50 small cider and perry producers in Herefordshire, many of whom never see their excellent products stocked in the county’s pubs and popular venues. This scheme will start to change that.
Why should I stock Herefordshire real cider and/or perry?
Each year at Beer on the Wye festival around 1 in 3 of the 22,000 pints sold is cider and perry. And every year we get asked: where can I buy the ciders and perries after the festival? For the first time this year, we will be able answer that question when we launch the Press2Pub Trail. This will list every pub and venue in the county that sells the REAL stuff. Will your pub or venue be on that list? Some have already signed-up!
What is involved?
Press2Pub is a web-based system. It provides information as to where the cider-makers are, how to contact them and details as to delivery of products. Further, there is also a Press2Pub Trail, where all pubs and venues that opt into this scheme will be listed, so pub-goers know that your pub or venue sells the products. How do I join, and how much does it cost?
It is FREE! To become a part of this scheme, you simply need to e-mail to P2P@herefordcamra.org.uk and let us know what Herefordshire real cider(s) and/or perry(s) you stock, or plan to stock. Your pub or venue will then appear in the inaugural Press2Pub Trail – the ultimate guide as to where to get local ciders and perry in Herefordshire. This will then give your business an additional revenue stream.
How is Press2Pub being publicised?
The scheme is being launched by the Mayor of Hereford at Beer on the Wye on the afternoon of the 5th July. Not only will there be press publicity to support the scheme and the Press2Pub Trail, but free Point of Sale material is to be provided to all participating pubs and venues. This includes cider mats, bar struts, posters and window vinyls.
I’ve never stocked local cider and/or perry before. Isn’t it complicated?
Not at all. It is appreciated that some publicans will be less familiar with the products.
Therefore, the Press2Pub website includes technical notes: covering matters such as product storage, dispense, cellar management and line-cleaning. There is also an area on the website where you can ask questions of our expert team. If you don’t know, then we can put you in touch with someone who does.
Isn’t it too strong?
The days of small producers only making ciders and perries in the range of 7-8% ABV are well in the past. There are now products available that are around half that strength.
Do I need to buy anything?
Press2Pub is not a commercial operation. It is entirely independent and 100% funded by CAMRA. It is only an information and publicity system. It is entirely up to you which producer(s) you buy and stock ciders from. We are not going to twist your arm. But this said, you will need to regularly stock at least one Herefordshire real cider and/or perry to participate in the scheme.
Why should I bother?
There is real demand for these local cider and perries, otherwise we wouldn’t have bothered with this initiative. This scheme is free to join; easy to use and comes with free publicity (including for your pub/venue/business). If you don’t join, then other pubs or venues will, and some have done so already. What have you got to lose?
What if I ALREADY regularly stock at least one Herefordshire real cider and/or perry?
Then just let us know via P2P@herefordcamra.org.uk and you’ll be signed-up in a jiffy. We’ll list your pub or venue in the Press2Pub Trail and get the Point of Sale materials delivered to your pub pronto.
What if I stock real ciders and perries that aren’t made in Herefordshire?
These won’t qualify you to join the scheme. But as you opt into this scheme, it is first and foremost about supporting Herefordshire-made products rather than deterring you from stocking others. Ideally you can do both – the best of all worlds.